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$VDAO – the VestaDAO token

$VDAO is the token for VestaDAO. $VDAO was airdropped to all holders of $VDB who took part in the migration. Please check out the history section in About Us if you have no clue what we’re talking about. 


Our Tokenomics are listed below, however for extra context on the tokens currently held by the project wallet please read The Current Picture page. 

Supply: 100,000,000

Tax: 3% on sales ONLY – this was implemented after the migration to raise funds for a stronger liqudity position. 

No Pre-Sale

No Pre-Launch Team Allocation

Value Proposition:

We believe in the power of information. Our project’s success depends on becoming the hub of information within Metis – our aim is to become a force that cannot be ignored and to situate ourselves such that our stamp of approval can jumpstart any new project lucky enough to receive it.

Once we have established ourselves in such a way we will leverage that influence over new projects who wish to receive an audit before launch. This might be in the form of airdrops or TGE whitelists for instance – providing tangible utility to our token holders.

We appreciate that this goal is not going to happen overnight, so please also check out the Additional Token Utility section for how we’re looking to protect token value in the more immediate term. 

Shut Up And Take My Money:

You can buy $VDAO via Hercules Exchange here.

Note: It has been brought to our attention that this link is currently not inputting $VDAO as the output currency. We have raised this with Hercules.

In the mean time you can buy $VDAO by following that link and going to the V2 tab at the top. Select Metis as your “from” currency and $VDAO as your “to” currency. If in doubt you can paste the $VDAO contract address which is: 0x38A7362Dab9b85Ba605Ff26e2BD82b328BDe99f1

It should look like the picture below. 

buying $vdao on hercules

Additional Token Utility:

Apart from our main value proposition (as outlined in Value Proposition) we have the following utility either planned or already implemented for VestaDAO.

1) Liquidity rewards – As of today (11th of May, 2024) we are already implementing nitro rewards on – this not only will reward those who take part but also shore up our liquidity position and give buyers more confidence.

Initially, due to the implementation of the 3% sales tax (see Tokenomics), VestaDAO will utilize V2 liquidity pools. In the future, if viable, we will look to change to V3 concentrated liquidity – this will allow us to integrate with AI liquidity management providers – in English that means better returns for providers.

2) Governance – We do have some important decisions that will need to be made on the horizon, and want to give you guys your say. For instance what to do with unclaimed tokens after the migration deadline.

3) Prioritised Alpha – As we will already be doing deep dives into projects we will naturally be uncovering valuable information – it goes without saying our holders will get priority access to this alpha. Plans are already in motion for gating this information to ensure only holders can access it.

4) bIg ThInGs CoMiNg – We do genuinely have some bigger plans that could really send this project to the next level. These things largely depend on factors that we don’t have full control over so view these as ambitions rather than promises. You can check out our ideas in the bIg ThInGs CoMiNg section of our Current Picture page.

Wen Number Go Up?

We here at VestaDAO do not view token value as our primary goal – we are focused on building a more honest and open web3, as outlined in our Mission Statement. That said: we appreciate that many in web3 are primarily here to make money – that’s completely fine – money is very useful. 

If your main focus is number going up then the best way to make that happen (we believe) is helping get eyes on our project. There are a few ideas for this outlined on the How You Can Help page.

$VDAO, like all crypto currencies, is not a safe or stable investment. We make no promises on the future value of the token. We encourage those who choose to buy to do so because they believe in our vision, rather than as a means of financial gain. 


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VestaDAO relies on the power of information and in turn the power of many united voices. Click here or on the image below to learn how you can help leverage this power.