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Doing Your Part: How You Can Help Us Grow

VestaDAO is based on the idea of the power on information. This is not simply a “feel good” philosophy – we believe that reliable information has real tangible value, as outlined on our token page. 

This power in turn relies on many unified voices – and that’s where you come in. If you would like to help VestaDAO grow you’re in the right place. Below you’ll find examples of ways, both big and small, that you personally can leave a mark on the web3 landscape.  

Vesta's Voice

As discussed in our Mission Statement a large part of our platform is based on our project breakdowns.  However, our breakdowns aren’t much good if noboby reads them.

We need the VestaDAO community to be our many voices – not just by sharing stuff on twitter, but by engaging with our material and challenging people with the information contained within. We want to be the “snopes” of Metis, the site you smugly link to when somebody else is wrong.

We are currently in discussions about how we can track and gamify this process; so that we can keep score on who is doing their part. We have nothing firm on this yet nor a firm plan on how these individuals might be rewarded – but we do think it’s something we’d like to implement.

Vesta's Eyes and Ears

We are very fortunate to have some really clued in people on our team. Additionally we have forged some great connections within the Metis ecosystem. This is why we feel so well equiped to be the hub of information on the Metis network.

That said there is no way we can see and hear everything. If you think you have spotted an unsung opportunity or alternatively have uncovered something nefarious we’d love to hear from you!

Whether you’re a project lead or just an every day user of Metis we welcome any and all information you think we’ve missed. 

You can contact us either on telegram (you can find the team’s telegrams on the About Us page) or via email at

If you wish to stay anonymous we are happy to honour this. 

Vesta's Hands

If you know a ton about web3 and would like to be part of our audit team; we could use all the help we can get. We’d particularly love to hear from people with a confident understanding of the underlying tech as well as anyone who is a whizz at on chain investigation. That said we welcome applications from anyone with 

As outlined in VestaDAO: the Current Picture this would initially be on a voluntary basis – we hope that this will change in the future.

If you are interested in joining us please reach out to the team in telegram or alternatively email

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VestaDAO relies on the power of information and in turn the power of many united voices. Click here or on the image below to learn how you can help leverage this power.