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Metis Champs: Watch, engage, get paid.

Vestadao metis champs logo

Metis Champs is a fun way for citizen’s of #Metis Andromeda# to engage with the current summer Olympic Games. 

There are two key parts:

Olympic Game predictions and Metis ecosystem participation. 

Metis Champs will run right until the end of the Olympic Games (11th Aug) and anyone can take part. 

We’re delighted to announce that VestaDAO is partnering with Metis to bring you even more opportunities to earn $champs (more on what $champs is below).

So, what the hell does any of this mean and why should you care?

What the hell is Metis champs?

As we said above, Metis Champs has two main parts: Olympic Game predictions and Metis ecosystem participation. 

The next sections contain many of the requirements for receiving rewards so please read carefully. You can get a full rundown of the rules for participation on the Metis Champs Page; once there click the “Check Rules” text at the bottom of the banner (pictured below).

Metis Champs rules banner
Original Image Source:

What the hell are $champs?

Great question; and one we have to say we believe the Metis team could have done a better job answering. 

Essentially $champs are simply a game token for this event; they do not, and almost certainly will not, hold any value in their own right. 

$champs sole utility is to wager against your predictions. 

That said there are rewards for this event. See the rewards section below for details and the info on the part $champs play in it. 

How to get your first $champs

So the best place to start is probably the Metis Champs page; in the bottom left corner you should see the Metis logo; clicking this will bring up the steps to take to earn your first $champs; these are all pretty easy. You’ll need these $champs in order to take part in the prediction process. 

How to get more $champs, and why you might want to

Hang on a minute, didn’t you say they have no real value? Why do I want more than I need to take part?

So as we mentioned briefly before; rewards are based in part of the total number of $champs you win through the wagering process. 

Obviously the more you have to wager with, the more you can win. 

You can earn extra $champs by engaging with the ecosystem partners taking part in the event.

We have an entire section on this below; including a run down of every single ecosystem partner. You lucky people. 

How to claim your $CHAMPS

A few people have gotten in touch who didn’t realise that when you win a “bet”; you need to claim your tokens after. Here’s how. 

On the Metis Champs page click on the profile icon  situated above the Metis Champs banner, to the right (see image below).  

Claim your Metis $champs

This will open a page (a very buggy one) showing all the bets you’ve placed. Any that you have won *should* have the option for you to claim your tokens; as we outline in the bug area this isn’t always the case. 

A tip for making the site more usable

The Metis Champs page, to put it kindly, is a massive piece of sh… has some issues. Below we have documented some bugs that have been encountered and some workarounds. One thing we found made the experience much smoother in general is to write down the event numbers that you participate in. You can find the event number in the browser bar as shown below.
Metis Champs bug fix

When an event is over, instead of trying to get your profile page to load, scrolling down 30 miles, and trying to remember which events you have/haven’t claimed, you can simply type in:

Known Bugs and how to fix them, maybe, kinda...

Some users have been experiencing issues with the Metis Champs platform; here will we post updates with known bugs and possible workarounds.

If you are experiencing a bug not listed here please reach out to us on Telegram

Similarly if you found a work around for a bug that isn’t here, we’d love to add it to the list and are happy to shout you out so you can get that sweet sweet internet addoration. 

Trouble Signing up -Metamask "rejected"

Some users (including Kehmor) had difficulty logging in to Metis Champs via their wallet. 

The issue Kehmor faced, and how to solve it, is listed below. We don’t know whether or not there are seperate login issues people are experiencing but please update us if so. You can find contact details at the end of the article. 

Hi, Kehmor here, trying to write this in the third person was a pain in the ass, but not as much as this login issue was. 

So when I first tried to login I encountered this bug with the login widget; I would click on wallet connect and immedietely get the popup shown in Image A. 

I would select Metamask and then be told that signin had been rejected. What I believe was happening is that Walletconnect had already detected my wallet; either way what worked for me was exiting out of the popup in picture A, and then clicking “continue with 0x…..” as shown in picture B.

My guess is the widget didn’t like “re-loading” the same wallet address or something?

Make sure to let us know if this helps or doesn’t.

Metis champs login issue image A
Image A Source:
Metis Champs login bug image B
Image B Source:

Website unresponsive upon revisit

A few users have reported that they were able to use the website on their first visit but then couldn’t interact with anything when they returned. 

We were able to recreate this (with ease lol); although we seemed to run into two manifestations of it. 

One was fixed through doing the usual cache clearing spam refresh method (ol’ reliable); the other seemed to not respond to that. 

What did seem to jog the website back to life was making sure we were logged into our wallet before attempting to go to the page. 

It could simply be that this is being cause by page use volume; though that is perhaps too optimistic a thought to have about any L2 at the moment. 

I won an event but it isn't saying I can claim

We have experience a bug in which we the main profile page was not properly displaying events we won; when we clicked on the event, however, we were able to claim normally. 

If you know that the result went your way, make sure to click through to the event to make sure you don’t have unclaimed winnings. This is annoying AF to do as the profile page is buggy as shit and, if you’ve been betting on event you aren’t watching, you might feel compelled to check every single one. 

Leaderboard not updating

No. It isn’t. 

Profile Page Not Loading

This seems to be an intermittent issue. You can either try again later or use the tip listed above in “A tip for making the site more usable” on the table of contents. 

You can also access events you’ve bet on by going back on the predictions page to previous days and finding the event there. Finished events from the current day can be found at the bottom of the prediction page. 

Event showing as claimed when it hasn't been

We have recreated this on 7th of August; we have no workaround thus far but have informed the Metis team. Hopefully they fix it and we will update with a workaround if we find one. 

Edit: this appears to be a bug that occurs shortly after event results have been released – waiting a while appears to have resolved it, for us at least. 

Olympic Games Predictions

Users can make predictions on Olympic events and wager “$champs” on the outcome. Users will receive a rank based on the amount of $champs they have won through wagerings – NOT the total number of $champs in their wallet. 

You can take part by visiting and signing in with your wallet; you then can scroll through the upcoming events and wager your $champs on any of the events for which predictions are still open. You will need to pay a Metis gas fee (likely less than 1 cent). 

The amount of $champs you can win per event is based on how much you bet and the “dynamic odds”: odds based on how many users have bet on each team. 

In order to qualify for rewards you must make predictions on atleast 35 events. The event page is actually vague on whether this must be 35 total predictions or 35 correct predictions – we are investigating and will update when we know. 

Please note: 

Some users have reported that it appeared at first glance that the events stopped on July 31st; the user interface doesn’t make it immedietely obvious that you can predict games taking place after this by scrolling to the right; on desktop the easiest way to do this is by clicking on the dates and using the arrow keys. See image below. 

Metis champs date selection process
Original Image Source:

Metis Ecosystem partner participation:

So, as we mentioned above, you can also earn $champs through interacting with a range of ecosystem partners. 

Each partner has (or will) created their own unique tasks and reward system for this event; pick the ones you like (or all of them) and go get earning. 

We have included multiple partners who have yet to announce their $champs earning opportunities but will endeavour to update when they do. 

If you believe we have missed a project out OR missed an existing $champs earning opportunity please let us know. You can find us on TelegramTwitter, or by emailing us at

WARNING: VestaDAO is not affiliated with any of the projects listed below (except, you know, us) and cannot vouch for the safety of their projects and/or smart contracts. We have no reason to believe any of them are bad actors but will not be held responsible for loss of funds due to the actions of a third party. 


Hey, that’s us! And whilst the rest of the projects will be in the very democratic alphabetical order; we wrote the article so we go first. 

Vesta are delighted to be participating in Metis Champs and will be hosting daily quizes at 2pm EST/6pm UTC. These will take place in our Telegram channel. 

Get questions right and earn points. These points will then be converted to $champs.

The quizzes last just a few minutes and all quiz questions will be in relation to the articles on our website; so get reading to get yourself an edge. 

You can find our articles here: Project reviews, News, and Blog posts/open letters

We may also ask questions about our project itself so make sure to check out About Us and Our Mission.

Arena of Faith

Arena of Faith is a MOBA style game built on Metis. They have announced upcoming opportunities for earning $champs but we could not find any specifics yet. 

You can keep an eye on their website and twitter/X for upcoming opportunities. 


Artemis s one of the first decentralized node operators for Metis. If you have no clue what that means check out our Metis Deepdive article. 

Artemis have a page on where you can find opportunities to earn $champs. 

You can keep an eye on their website and twitter/X for upcoming opportunities. 


Yes, it is what it sounds like. A memecoin based around toilet humour. What a time to be alive. 

We couldn’t find the mechanism by which they plan on awarding $champs (if there is one). 

You can keep an eye on their website and twitter/X for upcoming opportunities. 


A #web3# sports betting platform, and a very appropriate partner for this event. 

On Dexsport you can vote with both your $metis AND your $champs; if the prediction action wasn’t enough for you. 

You can keep an eye on their website and twitter/X for upcoming opportunities. 


Enki is one of the first decentralized node operators for Metis. If you have no clue what that means check out our Metis Deepdive article. 

Earning $champs with Enki is simple; stake 1 metis with their protocol. 

Full participation instructions can be found in this twitter/X post

You can find their website here.

Goat Rollup

Goat rollup is not, infact, a Metis project; rather it is styling itself as the first Bitcoin L2 to “share network ownership”. 

Goat network and Metis have some team crossover which explains their participation. 

We couldn’t find the mechanism by which they plan on awarding $champs (if there is one). 

You can keep an eye on their website and twitter/X for upcoming opportunities. 


The cool new #DEX# everyone is talking about (no so new now we suppose).

Hercules offer a range of #DeFi# products for Metis users and host a huge chunk of the #liquidity# in the Metis ecosystem. 

Hercules already have some tasks available which can be found using the widget on the bottom right of their website.

These are a super easy way to pick up some extra $champs.

You can also find them on twitter/X if you want to know about upcoming opportunities. 


The OG Metis #DEX#. Whilst you were busy being exit liquidity for the 2021 #NFT# craze, Netswap was facilitating swaps on Metis. 

Netswap are also hosting quizes in their telegram channel; make sure you follow their twitter/X so you don’t miss the next one!

You can find Netswap’s site here


Piloton is a simple play to earn game that can be played via telegram. They are offering extra $champs tokens for simply  filling out a form. You’ll need a Piloton game account in order to complete it. 

You can keep an eye on their website and twitter/X for upcoming opportunities. 


Scoremilk is a platform where you can find lobbies for browser games; they essentially facilitate tournaments for simple games with crypto prizes. 

During the Metis Champs event you earn $champs in addition to their own Milk Coins when you take part in wagered games. 

You can keep an eye on their website and twitter/X for upcoming opportunities. 


Symbiosis offer cross-chain #liquidity#. This allows users to quickly swap assetts from one chain or network to another. 

We couldn’t find the mechanism by which they plan on awarding $champs (if there is one). 

You can keep an eye on their website and twitter/X for upcoming opportunities. 


The reason you’re all actually reading this, and we put it at the end. What a jerk move, right? Well my friend, there’s a reason the milk is at the back of the grocery store. 

So what are the rewards, where do they come from, and who gets them?

Where the rewards come from

All of the awesome partners listed above have committed to providing some of their native tokens as a reward for Metis Champs. 

Those who qualify for rewards will receive a mixed token airdrop including tokens from all of these different projects. 

Who gets rewarded?

So as we mentioned earlier, you need to have 35 game predictions in order to qualify for rewards – we would love clarity on whether this is 35 total predictions or 35 correct predictions. (Based on some comments from Metis mods we now believe this is 35 total predictions, right or wrong.)

Outside of that the reward distribution is slightly vague. Below is what the official site has to say about it, and below that are our perceived takeaways. Again, we would love clarity on this and will update this page if/when we get it. 

Ranking Criteria: ● Primary Criterion: The ranking is based on the number of CHAMPS tokens earned through prediction activities on this platform (not the total number of tokens in your wallet). ● Secondary Criterion: In the event of a tie, the number of sports events you predicted and won will determine the ranking. Reward Distribution: ● Special Reward: Participants who predict more than 70% of the games will qualify for our exclusive multitokens. ● Top Performer: The top performers will be recognized on the global leaderboard and rewarded generously.
Image Source:

As far as we can tell you can earn an airdrop by either predicting 70% of matches (again it doesn’t say if you need to correctly predict them but we’d assume so in this instance) OR being in the top performers. 

For top performers we assume this will be based on the total amount of $champs you win from predicting games (not from the participating projects). 

We could find no indication of how many “top performers” will be rewarded.

Conclusion (tl;dr)

VestaDAO is delighted to be taking part in this light hearted event. We view it as a big positive step by Metis to look to engage with its community in ways that extend beyond talking about “TVL” or “sequencers”.

We worry however, that the lack of clarity might lead to unfavourable backlash if some of those who take part feel they were unfairly left out of the rewards.

Enjoy the games!

Think we missed something?

We do our best to stay informed on everything going on within the Metis ecosystem. That said, if we missed something, we’d love to know. You can find us on Telegram, Twitter, or by emailing us at

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