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Home » About Us: From meme project to community hub

About Us: From meme project to community hub

Here at VestaDAO we believe in the power of reliable, unbiased, information. Our aim is to leverage this power to not only foster community and trust, but also to return real tangible value to our token holders. Check out our mission statement to find out how. 

Our History:

VestaDAO was born out of necessity to survive. Originally our community was VDB – a meme project gone sour. The original dev of VDB lost the trust of the community after issue of transparency and openess. Vesta was formed as part of a community takeover, in which Cobi was elected as the new project leader. VestaDAO was born and was transformed from a meme into a utility project. 

As a result of these beginnings we had no presale and no team allocation

4% of total supply was reserved by team for direct expenses upon take-over as outlined in The Current Picture.

Our Core Values:

First and foremost transparency. After being burned by VDB; transparency and openess are  incredibly important not only to our team but our entire community. This is why we decided to make it the core focus of our platform and project mission. 

Secondly we have a strong commitment to not taking ourselves too seriously. We believe in the power of memes; they are, afterall, a manifestation of transparency and understanding. Too many projects take themselves too seriously and as a result resort to heavy jargon over easy to understand rapport. 

Meet the Team:

Our team is currently small but we make up for that with hard work and dedication. If you’re interested in learning how you can help VestaDAO grow or even join our team then read how here. 

Cobi VestaDAO team lead

Cobi - Team Lead/Founder

X: @OB1JACOBI_beats

Kehmor - Project Manager

X: @kehm0r

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VestaDAO relies on the power of information and in turn the power of many united voices. Click here or on the image below to learn how you can help leverage this power.